Zucchini & octopus curry bowl Bentoズッキーニとタコのカレー弁当

<Zucchini & octopus curry bowl Bento>

■Zucchini & octopus curry bowl
1/2 zucchini
150 g octopus
1/2 red bell pepper
A ( 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
Garlic )
2 teaspoons flour
B ( 1 teaspoon ketchup
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon chicken broth granule )

1. Cut the zucchini & red bell pepper into a bite size.
2. Put the octopus in a plastic bag and add flour to coat octopus.
3. Add A and combine well.
4. Fry 1 in an oiled frying pan.
5. Add 3, and fry further.
6. Add B to season.

Italian parsley

ズッキーニ…1/2本、たこ…150g、赤パプリカ …1/2個

1. ズッキーニ、パプリカを食べやすい大きさに切る
2. タコをビニール袋に入れ小麦粉をまぶす
3. Aを入れよく絡める
4. 油をひいたフライパンに1を入れ炒める
5. 3を加えて炒める
6. Bを加えて味を絡める
