Mushroom pasta Wasabi flavor Bentoわさびのきのこパスタ弁当

<Mushroom pasta Wasabi flavor Bento>

■Mushroom pasta Wasabi flavor
100 g pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 pack Maitake mushroom
1/2 pack Enoki mushroom
1/2 pack Shimeji mushroom
1 green onion
Wasabi/Japanese horseradish
10 g butter
1/2 tablespoons soy sauce

1. Separate Mitake mushroom into pieces. Cut off the bottom part of Enoki and Shimeji mushrooms and separate them into pieces.
2. Put mushrooms in a heat-resistant container, cover loosely with a cling wrap and microwave/600 w for 2 minutes.
3. Chop green onion.
4. Shred Wasabi.
5. Boil water in a pan, add salt and boil pasta.
6. Put the mushrooms and the pasta in a bowl and dress with olive oil and butter.
7. Add the cooking liquid, soy sauce, 3, 4 and pepper and combine well.

Fruit salad


1. エノキ、しめじの石ずきを取り除きばらし、舞茸をほぐし、耐熱容器にいれる。
2. ふんわりラップをしてレンジ600wで2分
3. 万能ネギを切る
4. わさびを切る
5. 鍋に湯を沸かし、塩を入れパスタを茹でる
6. 2 を入れたボウルにパスタを入れ、オリーブオイル、バターを加え絡める
7. 茹で汁、醤油、3、4、コショウを加え更に絡める
