Hojicha Creme Bruleeほうじ茶のクリームブリュレ

【Ingredients】(Makes 5 servings)
2 egg yolks
20g granulated sugar
100ml heavy cream
100ml milk
5g hojicha (roasted green tea)
granulated sugar【Directions】
1. In a bowl, blend the egg yolks and granulated sugar with a hand mixer until the mixture lightens in color.
2. In a pot, combine the heavy cream, milk, and hojicha, then heat until just before it comes to a boil.
3. Add 2 to 1, and stir with a whisk.
4. Strain 3 through a sieve and pour into ramekins, then cover each with aluminum foil.
5. Fill a frying pan with 2cm of hot water, insert the ramekins, partially cover with a lid, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
6. Once the custards are set, allow to cool before chilling in the refrigerator.
7. Sprinkle granulated sugar on the tops of cold 6, and use a torch to melt and caramelize the sugar.

卵黄 2個分
グラニュー糖 20g
生クリーム 100g
牛乳 100g
ほうじ茶 5g
仕上げ用グラニュー糖 適量
