Fried eel & bitter gourd Bentoうなぎとゴーヤのチャンプル弁当

<Fried eel & bitter gourd Bento>

■Fried eel & bitter gourd
1/2 piece grilled & seasoned eel
1/2 bitter gourd
1 beaten egg

A ( 1 teaspoon Japanese broth granule
1 tablespoon Japanese sake
1/2 tablespoon Mirin / sweetening made of Japanese sake
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Salt & pepper )

Sansho / Japanese pepper
Katsubushi / dried bonito flake

1. Rinse off the sauce of the grilled eel.
2. Wipe 1 with paper towels and cut it into a bite size.
3. Take off the seeds of the bitter gourd and cut it into a bite size.
4. Fry the bitter gourd in an oiled frying pan until soften.
5. Add eel and A.
6. Add beaten egg.
*Top with Katsubushi & Sansho once the Bento box is filled.

Ohba / Japanese sweet basil
Macaroni salad
Carrot & cucumber salad
Cherry tomato
Sesame & salt
Edible flower



1. 鰻を水で洗い調味料を落とす
2. 1の水分をキッチンペーパーで拭き取り、食べやすい大きさに切る
3. ゴーヤの種を取り出し食べやすい大きさに切る
4. 油の入ったフライパンにゴーヤを入れしんなりするまで炒める
5. うなぎ、Aを加える
6. 溶き卵を加える
