Chinese Cabbage Wrap Bento白菜焼売弁当

<Chinese Cabbage Wrap Bento>

■Chinese Cabbage Wrap
1/8 Chinese cabbage
100 g ground pork

200 g Chinese cabbage
200 g ground pork
3 cm Japanese leek
A : 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
1/2 tablespoon Chinese broth paste

Cornstarch water
1 teaspoon sesame oil

1. Cut the Chinese cabbage in half vertically, then separate leaves and cores.
2. Wrap the remaining vertical half of 1 with a cling wrap, and microwave for 3 minute.
3. Chop the Japanese leek finely.
4. Chop the core of 1 finely, sprinkle with salt (2 pinches, not mentioned in the ingredients) and leave until the core gets softened.
5. Squeeze 4 to drain liquid.
6. Combine 3, 4, ground pork and A in a bowl.
7. Wrap 6 by 2.
8. Place 7 in a frying pan, pour hot water, cover and steam-bake for 5 minute

Pack Choi
Shredded dried red chili


1. 白菜を縦半分に切り、葉と芯に分けて切る
2. 1の縦半分をラップでで包みレンジで3分加熱する
3. ネギをみじん切りにする
4. 1の芯をみじん切りにし、塩(分量外2つまみ)を振ってしんなりさせる
5. 4の水気を絞る
6. ボウルに3、4と豚ひき肉、Aを入れて混ぜる
7. 2の白菜で6を包む
8. フライパンに7を並べ、お湯を注ぎ、蓋をして5分蒸し焼きにする
