Braised eel & egg Bentoうなぎの柳川風弁当

<Braised eel & egg Bento>

■Braised eel & egg
1/2 piece grilled & seasoned eel
1/4 burdock root
1 beaten egg

A : 50 cc Dashi / Japanese broth
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons Japanese sake
2 teaspoons Mirin / sweetening made of Japanese sake
1 teaspoon sugar

1. Rinse off the sauce of the grilled eel and wipe it with paper towels.
2. Wash the burdock root, shred it thin and soak in water for 10 minutes.
3. Cut the eel into a bite size.
4. Put drained burdock root & A in a frying pan, put on fire and bring to boil.
5. Add the eel and braise for 1 – 2 minutes.
6. Pour the beaten egg over 5.

Mitsuba / Japanese fragrant herb


1. 鰻を水で洗い調味料を落とし、ペーパータオルで拭う
2. 洗ったごぼうをささがきにし、水に10分つける
3. うなぎを食べやすい大きさに切る
4. 鍋に水気を切ったごぼう、Aを入れひと煮立ちさせる
5. うなぎを加え1〜2分煮る
6. 溶き卵を全体に回し入れる
