Korean Style Chicken Hot Pot参鶏湯風鍋

<Korean Style Chicken Hot Pot>

6 chicken wing sticks
3 tablespoons Rice
1 Japanese leek
1/2 Japanese white radish
Goji berries
2 cloves garlic
2 pieces ginger

A : 800 cc water
50 cc Japanese sake
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sugar

1 tablespoon sesame oil

1. Apply vertical slits in the chicken wings.
2. Shred the white part of the Japanese leek finely and slice the green part diagonally.
3. Cut the Japanese white radish in quarter rounds.
4. Cut the garlics in half and shred the un-skinned ginger finely.
5. Put A in a pot, then add 1, the green part of 2, 3, 4, rice & goji berries, and simmer for 20 – 30 minutes, covered.
6. Put shredded white part of 2, and swirl the sesame oil.


1. 鶏手羽元は縦に切り目を入れる
2. 長ネギの白い部分は白髪ネギにし、青い部分は斜め切りにする
3. 大根は厚めのいちょう切りにする
4. にんにくは半分にし、生姜は皮つきのまま千切りにする
5. 鍋にAを入れ、1、2の青い部分、3、4、お米とクコの実入れ蓋をして20〜30分煮込む
6. 2の白髪ネギをのせ、ごま油を回しかける