Pasta meatball & tomato Bento茹で肉団子でトマトパスタ弁当

<Pasta meatball & tomato Bento>

■Pasta meatball & tomato
Boiled meatballs : 250 g ground pork
1 piece ginger
1/2 Japanese leek
A pinch of salt
1/2 egg
1.5 tablespoons Japanese sake
1.5 tablespoons cornstarch

A : 300 ml canned tomato
50 cc water
2 teaspoons consomme granule
1 bay leaf
salt & pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 bunch Shimeji mushrooms
1/4 onion
100 g pasta
1,000 ml water
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

1. Chop the Japanese leek finely.
2. Combine all the ingredients for meatballs & 1 well till the mixture becomes clingy.
3. Roll the mixture into a bite size ball shape. Apply oil (not mentioned in the ingredients) on palms for easier forming.
4. Boil the meatballs in boiling water.
5. Add the salt in boiling water, and boil the pasta 1 minute shorter than the instruction on the package.
6. Pan-fry the olive oil & garlic till the aroma comes out.
7. Add the onion & Shimeji mushrooms, and pan-fry further.
8. Add A & 4/the meatballs, bring to boil, then add the pasta.
9. Add the Parmigiano-Reggiano grated cheese, and combine.




1. ネギをみじん切りにする
2. 茹で肉団子の材料と1を全て入れて粘りが出るまでねる
3. 食べやすい大きさに丸める(手に油(分量外)を少量塗って丸めると丸めやすい)
4. 鍋に湯を沸かし、丸めた3を茹でる
5. 鍋に水を入れ沸騰したら塩を加えパスタをパッケージの表記より1分短く茹でる
6. フライパンに、オリーブオイルとにんにくを入れ、香りを出す
7. 玉ねぎとしめじを加え炒める
8. Aと4の肉団子を加えフツフツとしてきたら茹で上がったパスタを加える
9. パルメザンチーズを絡める
