Whitebaits & Natto Udonしらすと納豆のプチプチうどん
<Whitebaits & Natto Udon>
1 serving frozen Udon / Japanese thick flour noodle
1 Kujo-negi / Japanese thin, green leek
15 g whitebaits
1 pack Natto / fermented soy beans
2 tablespoons flying fish roes
Olive oil
A ( 3 tablespoons Mentsuyu / dipping sauce for Japanese noodle
(For condensed type, dilute the sauce with water.)
1 tablespoon lemon juice )
1. Combine A in a bowl to make the sauce.
2. Cut the Kujo-negi diagonally.
3. Combine the Natto with accompanying dip.
4. Microwave the frozen Udon as per the direction on the package.
5. Chill 4 in iced water, and place on a serving dish.
6. Top with the whitebaits, 2, 3 & flying fish roes. Swirl sesame oil.
7. Then pour 1.
1 serving frozen Udon / Japanese thick flour noodle
1 Kujo-negi / Japanese thin, green leek
15 g whitebaits
1 pack Natto / fermented soy beans
2 tablespoons flying fish roes
Olive oil
A ( 3 tablespoons Mentsuyu / dipping sauce for Japanese noodle
(For condensed type, dilute the sauce with water.)
1 tablespoon lemon juice )
1. Combine A in a bowl to make the sauce.
2. Cut the Kujo-negi diagonally.
3. Combine the Natto with accompanying dip.
4. Microwave the frozen Udon as per the direction on the package.
5. Chill 4 in iced water, and place on a serving dish.
6. Top with the whitebaits, 2, 3 & flying fish roes. Swirl sesame oil.
7. Then pour 1.
1. ボウルにAを入れてつゆを作る
2. 九条ネギを斜め切りにする
3. 納豆は付属のタレと絡めておく
4. 冷凍うどんを袋の表示通りにレンジで加熱する
5. 氷水で4を冷やし器に盛る
6. しらす、2、3、とびっこをのせ、オリブオイルを回しかける
7. 1のつゆを回しかける
1. ボウルにAを入れてつゆを作る
2. 九条ネギを斜め切りにする
3. 納豆は付属のタレと絡めておく
4. 冷凍うどんを袋の表示通りにレンジで加熱する
5. 氷水で4を冷やし器に盛る
6. しらす、2、3、とびっこをのせ、オリブオイルを回しかける
7. 1のつゆを回しかける