Tofu cheese cakeとうふのチーズケーキ

<Tofu cheese cake>

■Tofu cheese cake
50 g Kinugoshi Tofu / Japanese soft bean curd
15 g biscuits

A ( 75 cc milk
20 g sugar )

75 g yogurt
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
3 g gelatin powder

1. Soften the gelatin with 1 tablespoon water (not mentioned in the ingredients).
2. Strain the Tofu.
3. Crash the biscuits in a plastic bag.
4. Add A in a pan, melt the sugar over low heat and switch off the gas.
5. Add 1 and let it melt by the remaining heat.
6. Combine yogurt & 5 in a bowl, and stir it over another bowl with chilled water.
7. Add the lemon juice.
8. Put 3 in molds, and pour 7 over.
9. Keep them in a refrigerator to set for 2 – 3 hours.



1. ゼラチンを大さじ1の水で戻す(分量外)
2. 豆腐をこす
3. ビスケットを袋に入れ、砕く
4. 鍋にAを入れ弱火で砂糖を溶かし火を止める
5. 1を加えて余熱で溶かす
6. ボウルに5、ヨーグルト、2の豆腐を入れ氷水に当てながら混ぜる
7. レモン汁を加える
8. 器に3を入れ、7を注ぐ
9. 冷蔵庫で2〜3時間冷やし固める
