Sudachi Somen Bentoすだちそうめん弁当

<Sudachi Somen Bento>

■Sudachi Somen
1 serving Somen/Japanese thin noodle
2-3 Sudachi/Japanese citrus
1/2 tablespoon Japanese broth granule
1/2 tablespoon water
A : ( 1/2 tablespoon light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
150 cc chilled water )

1. Slice Sudachi and remove seeds.
2. Put Japanese broth granule and water in a heat-resistant container and microwave for 10 seconds for granule to melt.
3. Make the dipping sauce with A & 2 in a bowl.
4. Boil Somen in boiling water.
5. When Somen is done, drain and form Somen into bite size balls.
6. Top with Sudachi slices.
7. Accompany the dipping sauce in a separate container.



1. すだちを切り種を取り除く
2. 耐熱容器に顆粒だしを入れ、水を加えてレンジで600Wで10秒溶かす
3. ボウルにA、2を加えお汁を作る
4. 鍋に湯を沸かしそうめんを茹でる
5. 茹で上がったそうめんをひと口大に丸める
6. すだちをのせる
7. 別容器にお汁を添える